Oh hello. Yes, it’s been a minute. I’m bad at updating my blog but here I am, excited to squawk about my new book, BIRD BRAIN. More about it on the dedicated page here. Plus, check out this page where you can learn more about parrots, including my bird, Gabby, who was the inspiration for the book. Hint: her poop had a lot to do with it. Want more about that? Check out this post over on L.E. Carmichael’s blog for the inside poop. I mean, scoop.
If you’re in the Burlington, Ontario area on Saturday March 23rd, I hope you’ll join me for my book launch at A Different Drummer Books. It’s a joint launch with Jeff Szpirglas and Danielle Saint-Onge, who are celebrating their new book, SUPER SWITCH. There will be cake!
Well, friends, it’s been a week already. Whew! I’ve been so incredibly overwhelmed with the book love (and author love!) that I’ve received already and as I’m writing this, it’s only Wednesday. I’ve been so consumed with this book and getting the word out, that I actually forgot to do a release day post.
Here it is, just a day late. Still counts and now I can include some of the assorted media and posts.
In case you’re new to these parts, my book, SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS came out yesterday (October 12). *throws confetti*
Here are a few of the celebrations – first with the upcoming things so you can hurry to register/get your ticket.
October 14 at 7pm PST/10pm EST is the triple-author launch extravaganza in partnership with Changing Hands Bookstore.
Event details are here. If you purchase one of my books as part of your ticket, you’ll get a signed bookplate and one of these cool wood and paper bookmarks.
NOTE: Changing Hands Bookstore is in the US but they will ship anywhere. Ticket price includes US shipping.
If you are in Canada and would like to purchase a book and bookmark directly from me, please head on over to my Etsyshop.
October 20, 11:30am – I’ll be doing a virtual public reading from SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS and will then be discussing the book and doing Q&A with award-winning author and psychiatrist, Tziporah Cohen. Free but registration is required. Sign up here.
And here’s some media/posts about me and the book:
The Nerdy Book Club – The story behind SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS – includes a giveaway open until October 19.
A post I wrote about how Jewish funerals are inherently green funerals over at L. E. Carmichael’s Cantastic Authorpalooza.
More to come but until then, I hope you’ll join me at one of my events. If you enjoyed reading SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS, please support the book by giving it a review at Goodreads and/or the place you bought it. More importantly, please pass it along to someone else who may enjoy it.
If you’ve read this far, you are the best. Thank you.
See what I did there with the title of this post? Another bad attempt at book jokes. I promise, my books are much better than my silly website puns.
Now that SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS is almost here, I’m excited to share some of the events around the book’s release! I hope you can join me at one (or all!) of the upcoming cool programs.
October 12 is the official SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS release day! HOORAY! That morning, I’ll be mustering up all my courage to appear on my hometown TV station’s morning show with my virtual friend and fellow cat person, Annette Hamm, to talk about the book.
October 14 at 7pm PST/10pm EST is the triple-author launch extravaganza in partnership with Changing Hands Bookstore.
Event details are here. If you purchase one of my books as part of your ticket, you’ll get a signed bookplate and one of these cool wood and paper bookmarks.
NOTE: Changing Hands Bookstore is in the US but they will ship anywhere. Ticket price includes US shipping.
If you are in Canada and would like to purchase a book and bookmark directly from me, please head on over to my Etsyshop.
October 20, 11:30am – I’ll be doing a virtual public reading from SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS and will then be discussing the book and doing Q&A with award-winning author and psychiatrist, Tziporah Cohen. Free but registration is required. Sign up here.
November 14, time TBD – author panel with Carol Matas and Kathy Kacer in partnership with A Different Drummer books. Details to come.
To celebrate the release of THE SUN WILL COME OUT, I will be holding a fun webinar in partnership with fellow author, Jennifer A. Nielsen. There will be discussion, Q&A, and lots of giveaways! For details, registration, and to ask questions in advance, click here. The event will be recorded and posted at a later date. Hope to see you!
I hope you can make it out to one of the DOUBLE TROUBLE launch parties this fall with Bev Katz Rosenbaum (WHO IS TANKSY?) and Angela Misri (PICKLES vs. THE ZOMBIES).
Even if you’ve already bought (and hopefully loved) CRUSHING IT, if you’re in the Hamilton, Ontario area, why don’t you come out to help me celebrate the book? I’ll be reading from the book and answering questions AND will be signing while you mingle and consume snacks.
There will be giveaways, too! Bring the book you’ve already purchased for me to sign or there will be copies there to buy.
Please join the official Facebook event so I know you’re coming.
See what I did there? I made a corny pun with my book title! Well, you know what? It’s my blog, so it’s my prerogative to make corny puns!
Back to the business at hand – it’s they day we’ve all been waiting for – CRUSHING IT release day!
***Throws confetti***
To celebrate, I’m chatting with my excellent friend, Debbie Ohi, over on her site today and I’m also talking about writing funny at the Nerdy Book Club.
If you haven’t pre-ordered your copy, you can get yours from Bryan Prince Bookseller, or at one of these fine retailers:
If you’re local, I’d love to see you at the LAUNCH PARTY on January 28 at the Westdale Libary (2pm).
Don’t forget to please review CRUSHING IT (unless you hated it) at review sites like Goodreads and at retailers. That is the kindest, and cheapest way you can help authors get the word out about their books.
But what you didn’t know, is that I want YOU to help me decide what kind of cupcakes there will be. So I’ve put together this nifty poll. I know these ALL sound delicious, but just pick your very favorite flavor and the most popular ones will be what I order for my party.
Come on! Be heard!
Even if you can’t make it, feel free to vote anyway!
If you’re in the Southern Ontario area, you’re invited to the SMALL MEDIUM AT LARGE launch party on July 14, 2012. There will be fun, prizes, books, cupcakes and me!
Check out the Facebook event and let me know if you’re coming – hope to see you!